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Current time: 06:41
Results 131 - 140 of more than 50
1270 Jacaranda Blvd
34292 Venice
Florida, FL
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27.080676, -82.388615

304 W Venice Ave
34285 Venice
Florida, FL
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27.09998, -82.447815

8111 S Beneva Rd
34238 Sarasota
Florida, FL
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27.23506, -82.49744
21175 Olean Blvd
33952 Port Charlotte
Florida, FL
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26.98702, -82.0998

3450 Clark Rd
34231 Sarasota
Florida, FL
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27.26901, -82.49973

126 E Olympia Ave
33950 Punta Gorda
Florida, FL
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26.9355, -82.0478

100 Madrid Blvd
33950 Punta Gorda
Florida, FL
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26.8936, -82.0261
24051 Veterans Blvd
33954 Port Charlotte
Florida, FL
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27.0189, -82.05369

3600 Bee Ridge Rd
34233 Sarasota
Florida, FL
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27.29847, -82.49734

3930 Cattlemen Rd
34233 Sarasota
Florida, FL
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27.29644, -82.45169